3TI RESEARCH, commonly known as 3T, is an independent African data collection 3TI RESEARCH, commonly known as 3T, is an independent African data collection services company, providing innovative and seamless data collection solutions throughout Senegal, Cote d'Ivoire and neighbouring countries, and aims to be a major player in the data collection sector services company.
The company is ready to provide new data solutions to the client, with an independent quality control team and to provide project management services as required. 3TI RESEARCH is based in Abidjan and Dakar, with partners in Mali, Guinea, Niger, Burkina, Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Cameroon.
To be a preferred supplier of choice, highly valued by our customers for our agile initiative, quality of work and professionalism.
Doing data collection for our clients at a competitive price to support the business and make us both profitable in the business. Committed to providing quality data that represents excellent value to our clients, and which they proudly display.